My Ada Page

Welcome to my Ada page. Why am I interested in Ada, you ask? Good question. I'm not even a programmer or software engineer by profession. I'm an aerospace engineer. Oh, I've done some significant C++ programming in the past, and I do some Python programming now, but I'm hardly a hard-core programmer. The reason I am interested in Ada is because I am working on the future of air traffic management, and I believe that Ada is the best language for that domain -- even though its popularity seems to be fading.

I intend to add to this page when I get a chance, but for now I'd just like to direct your attention to a few short documents I've put together on Ada.

The first document is a one-pager in PDF called, "Recommendations of Ada for Safety-Critical Software." Print this page and pass it along to everyone you know who is involved in any way with safety-critical software development.

The second document is a short web page I developed called "Ratings of Computer Programming Languages." This page provides a summary of the key results from a paper called "Guidelines for Choosing A Computer Language" by Patricia K. Lawlis (1997). If you know something about computer langnuages, you might just be surprised at how versatile and capable Ada is.

While you're at it, check out MyAda: A Cleaner Syntax for Ada.

Ever wonder What Ada stands For?